Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Skill of Self Confidence

Source: Retrieved from:

The video is about The Skill of Self Confidence by Dr. Ivan Joseph.
Self confidence can be practice!
I think it is pretty good to share it with this future counselor! :).. 
From my point of view, I define that >>
Self confidence is very personal and it is among of our individual ability.
Self confidence IS REALLY NEEDED to live up our profession and personal skill conducting the session.
It is really basic need of a good counselor!.
Imagine that counselor lack of this skill, the very first moment you enter the counseling setting,  pretty sure there  will be shaky leg !..Just thinking.."If only I can pass this moment>>:("..
So, dare to find where is your self-confidence  ..then you will find that you are  actually a great person!

So dear future counselor,..
Don't let YOUR CLIENT have no CONFIDENCE looking at YOU! :)

Recommended link..


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